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23 March 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus antibody tests now available

Covid-19 Coronavirus antibody tests now available

Doctorcall now has Covid-19 Coronavirus antibody tests. 

This is what we have been waiting for and what the Prime Minister described as a game changer.

Antibody testing enables individuals to be checked and businesses to screen their staff.   Those who are immune will be greatly comforted.  Those who are not immune need retesting from time to time until such time as they become immune.  Anyone who believes they have had Covid-19 is likely to be immune although they need a Covid-19 antibody test to be sure.  Even those who have not had symptoms may have been exposed and may be immune.

There are also coronavirus Covid-19 antigen tests available. However, these do not show immunity.  They are valuable in the treatment of possible coronavirus cases.  We are recommending antibody testing to demonstrate immunity.

This is the thing that will allow life to get back to normal and business to get back on track which is why Boris Johnson has described it as a game changer.

As we start to get back results it will provide a fascinating and much-needed insight into the prevalence of the disease.

Please contact us for more information and how to get a test

0344 257 0346

Private Covid-19 Vaccine Now Available.