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09 January 2023

What can we learn from Australia's recent flu season?

What can we learn from Australia

Public health experts are warning of an extremely challenging flu season, with a perfect storm approaching of low population immunity and a particularly severe strain of influenza in circulation.

Australia’s experience, which is seen as a precursor for our own winter, has suffered from one of its worst seasons in living memory. Concerns are growing that the United Kingdom faces the same difficulties, so preparing now is absolutely vital.

The bests defence against influenza is vaccination. It not only significantly reduces the chances of severe symptoms and death, but also the possibility of passing the virus on to close contacts.

Doctorcall is the most established and longest serving provider of company flu vaccinations. Over the decades, we have administered millions of flu vaccines – saving numerous lives and delivering a strong return on investment for the companies.

A vaccinated staff member has less unplanned time off due to influenza and also has a lower chance of passing the virus on to other members of the team, particularly if they work in close contact.

With social distancing measures now fully relaxed, unlike last winter, contact will be far higher and so the potential spread far greater.

It is also seen as a popular staff benefit, which encourages both staff retention and also new recruitment.

Companies of all types and sizes work with Doctorcall on a yearly basis to provide a flu vaccination programme. Our fully qualified team can deliver the scheme at your premises at a date/time which suits your organisation.

We have further strengthened our offer to cement our position as the industry-leader and the ‘go-to’ partner for any flu vaccination programme. This year we are offering the egg-free (vegan) quadrivalent vaccine in addition to the standard egg-grown version, in addition to the latest wool-based storage technology being used.

Please feel free to get in touch with our dedicated flu team who can discuss your needs and tailor a package to fit your requirements.

Private Covid-19 Vaccine Now Available.